Uncanny Gear (Blacksmithing)

With a couple of weeks until the release of Shadowlands Pre-patch, I thought it would be a great time to quickly jump back on the crafting bandwagon and give you some tips for crafting Uncanny gear via the profession: Blacksmithing.With the expansion almost at an end, dont be put off thinking the Uncanny gear isnt worthwhile anymore, as youd be wrong! Its still selling extremely well, and with a couple of things to consider (outlined below), we can profit from players quickly levelling alts ready for the pre-patch. Important: Make sure you have rank 3 recipes learned. Its imperative that you have rank 3 on all the Uncanny recipes it prevents us from losing gold in the long run. It will also reduce the amount of Expulsom required to craft an item. Expulsom is a problematic material to acquire and is necessary for every Uncanny craft and the best way to gather this is following Samadans bracer shuffle method. Please follow his directions precisely. Once weve collected all our Expulsom from scrapping the bracers, we can start to craft our Uncanny items. Its best to craft every item, so be sure to craft as many of each as you can. I have a minimum of 10 of each item posted on the Auction House. The reason being is my TSM has Ignore Variation unticked. The benefit to this is that we make sure we get the best value for the items with the best stats. If we have Ignore Variation ticked TSM will post all of our gear on the Auction House below the cheapest item, regardless of its stats, and we stand to lose gold on our best items. So be sure to untick Ignore Variation for the best results! Pastebin for Blacksmithing: Uncanny Gear TSM Import String. With the Auction House throttle activated when you cancel auctions to repost, Id recommend posting your Uncanny Gear at 12-hour or 24-hour intervals. This gives you the freedom to post more often without getting throttled. Many of my competitors post at 48-hours, so as long as I log in when my items expire, I can repost successfully, keeping my auctions at the cheapest. I hope you enjoyed this post if you have any feedback, please use the comment section below or use the contact method on the right-hand sidebar via my email address. I will reply at the earliest convenience. Thanks for reading and as ever, please share if you found this topic helpful.
Quelle: https://grahranswowgold.com/2020/09/06/uncanny-gear-blacksmithing/


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